Licensed Massage Therapist since 2000 New York State
Trained in : Somatic Educator .. protocols for chronic pain and trauma
2015-2018 trained in Novato Ca. Morristown NJ
Masgutova Method ( in training ) reflex integration for trauma
2018 -
Conjugate Gaze trained with Dr. Vincent Perri - originator
2013 Waterbury, Conn.
PRRT Primal Reflex Release Techniques.. John Iam DPT
2012 Intermediate level... San Diego, Ca.
NOI ... nerve mobilization techniques.. David Butler PT/NZ
Bowen Therapy... Rob Rosserham / NYC Gene Dobkin Toronto
2002- 2004
Accupressure .... Shiatsu training.. Ohashi Institute NYC
Orthopedic Massage .... Whitney Lowe OMERI
Oct 2000
Ctr for Natural Wellness School of Massge Therapy
June 2000 1020 hrs.. Rensselaer, NY
Practice locations: Massage Therapy 984 New Scotland Rd. Albany, N.Y.
Capital City Rescue Mission 259 So. Pearl St. Albany N.Y.
Specialties: Treating chronic pain from habituation and
trauma . Distortion of postural muscles groups
in the core/torso will almost always be affected
by overuse and trauma. Restoration of free
movement, functionality and release of pain
is most often rooted here.
Additionally I treat shoulder pain, neck pain
low back pain ( see above ) TMJ conditions,
tension headaches, incontinence, corrective
breathing for smokers and ex smokers,
Fibromyalgia & MS for anxiety and stress,
Sprains and strains
Breathing and pressure points for stress
Bodymapping for brain/body awareness
as a primer for somatic movements treating
chronic pain.
"It's always an honor for me when a client steps through the door. I know that each client has something
to teach me, some new way to approach healing and that keeps me attracted to this work. I constantly
strive to provide the best path of healing for them so that they can return to their lives renewed. "
Contact : 518-482-7198 / c 518-322-8577... [email protected]
Trained in : Somatic Educator .. protocols for chronic pain and trauma
2015-2018 trained in Novato Ca. Morristown NJ
Masgutova Method ( in training ) reflex integration for trauma
2018 -
Conjugate Gaze trained with Dr. Vincent Perri - originator
2013 Waterbury, Conn.
PRRT Primal Reflex Release Techniques.. John Iam DPT
2012 Intermediate level... San Diego, Ca.
NOI ... nerve mobilization techniques.. David Butler PT/NZ
Bowen Therapy... Rob Rosserham / NYC Gene Dobkin Toronto
2002- 2004
Accupressure .... Shiatsu training.. Ohashi Institute NYC
Orthopedic Massage .... Whitney Lowe OMERI
Oct 2000
Ctr for Natural Wellness School of Massge Therapy
June 2000 1020 hrs.. Rensselaer, NY
Practice locations: Massage Therapy 984 New Scotland Rd. Albany, N.Y.
Capital City Rescue Mission 259 So. Pearl St. Albany N.Y.
Specialties: Treating chronic pain from habituation and
trauma . Distortion of postural muscles groups
in the core/torso will almost always be affected
by overuse and trauma. Restoration of free
movement, functionality and release of pain
is most often rooted here.
Additionally I treat shoulder pain, neck pain
low back pain ( see above ) TMJ conditions,
tension headaches, incontinence, corrective
breathing for smokers and ex smokers,
Fibromyalgia & MS for anxiety and stress,
Sprains and strains
Breathing and pressure points for stress
Bodymapping for brain/body awareness
as a primer for somatic movements treating
chronic pain.
"It's always an honor for me when a client steps through the door. I know that each client has something
to teach me, some new way to approach healing and that keeps me attracted to this work. I constantly
strive to provide the best path of healing for them so that they can return to their lives renewed. "
Contact : 518-482-7198 / c 518-322-8577... [email protected]